Immigration Resources - Recursos de Migración
Our parishes are a place of help, love, and journeying together. Below are resources for our migrant brothers and sisters. Nuestras parroquias son lugares de ayuda, amor y caminar juntos. A continuación compartimos algunos recursos para nuestros hermanos y hermanas migrantes.
The diocese is coordinating KYR Workshops for parishes, if your parish would like to host one please contact Wilfredo Aguirre at or (909) 475-5351 . Para más información u otros recursos, por favor comuníquese con la Oficina de Abogacía a o al (909) 475-5351
Parish Resources
What should I do if Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) or Border Protection (CBP) agents come to the parish during Mass - Download here
Parish Reccomendations - Download here
Example of Warrants - Download here
Know Your Rights and What Immigrant Families Should Do Now - Printable Handout: Click here
Conozca sus derechos y lo que las Familias Migrantes deben hacer ahora- folleto imprimible: Haga clic aquí
Partnering Organizations
Catholic Charities San Bernardino-Riverside
Inland Congregations United For Change (ICUC)
Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights (CHIRLA)
Mexican Consulate
Guatemalan Consulate
Salvadoran Consulate
Church Teachings - La Enseñanza de la Iglesia
A Catholic resource advocating for the dignity of immigrants through Church teaching, policy advocacy, and pastoral support.
Catholic Teaching and Migration – Justice for Immigrants
Prayer for Migrants and Refugees || Oración por los migrantes y refugiados
Letter of the Holy Father Francis to the Bishops of the United States of America - Carta del Santo Padre Francisco a los Obispos de los Estados Unidos de América
Click here to read - English | Haga clic aquí - Español
Strangers No Longer: Together on the Journey of Hope
A Pastoral Letter Concerning Migration from the Catholic Bishops of Mexico and the United States
Click here to read
Juntos en el Camino de la Esperanza Ya No Somos Extranjeros
Carta pastoral de los Obispos Católicos de los Estados Unidos y México sobre la migración
Haga clic aquí
Bishop Alberto Rojas’ Message on Supporting Immigrant Communities - El Mensaje del Obispo Alberto Rojas en Apoyo de las Comunidades Migrantes
“To our immigrant brothers and sisters, please know that the Catholic Church is with you” - Bishop Alberto Rojas